
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, ٢٠١٦


Beauty Is a concept in which everyone agreed, or is it the concept varies from one person to another? .. Beauty is noticeable by a relative matter does not agree with everyone is not different, Do not agree to a concept or meaning or specifications, but they agree and disagree. There are those who see the beautiful woman is soft and serene There are those who see them as white and others see them as black, Even people in their view of beauty vary, And standards of beauty In Japan, women love the soft quiet voice thin with small foot and gait converged, The female special smell the smell of the mouth and hair were the most important criterion of beauty when some people Kalaskimu and Indians .. So keen to develop their wives aromatic oils on hair With chewing some plants that perfumed smell of the mouth, Where it is the responsibility of matchmaker before her engagement smell test target women task. The Pharaohs According to the newspaper "Al-Ahram" And they are ...


Skinned and cleaned ways :. Skin types and methods of their daily Tnziffhaualohtmam. There are five types of skins, namely: 1-normal skin normal askin :. It is the best types of skins as they balanced skin a soft texture Free of grain and fat and stains. 2-dry skin ray askin:> They that are skin tight and dry, and form lines on drought and austerity quickly Especially around the eyes at an early age, and the State works like the sun, cold, air and washing agents Excess Balaadhavh to genetics factors to increase their problems. 3-sensitive skin :. And be in the red veins, and skin looks clear but quickly Mataathol to redness and Zhorabaka And susceptible powder unfavorable external factors 4-oily skin oil askin :. They that are usually greasy and oily pores and with wide, and grains and with black heads They are more prone to acne, and the advantage of resistance to wrinkles and Aatkon Allehakhtoot drought They also remaining flexible skin ...


Aliki properties that are characterized by both skin and how to take care of it: First, natural skin: Soft, smooth flexible look a little wet because the ratio of the presence of water in a natural and completely required and the extent of the color indicates the health and called normal skin and the advantage of being not very dry and not many fatty secretions and in most cases free of defects and impurities and pure and bright and the owner of this type of skin of the lucky ones, but by preserving the beauty of her skin proper nutrition regular Ki soft newsletter flexible bright remain and should not be exposed skin to cold or excess heat or exposure to sunlight for a long time and can be used in a beauty masks own natural skin twice a month at least to highlight the natural beauty of the skin. Second, dry skin Be thin and delicate and prone to premature wrinkles and sometimes seems tighter than what they are and warn these female skin from the use of rich creams because it ...

انواع البشره

       💞💞      أنواع البشره    💞💞👋🏻 .. : . البشرة  هي :  العادية، الدهنية، الجافة، والحساسة. بعض الناس لديهم أيضا مزيج من أنواع البشرة في مناطق مختلفة من الجلد ( البشرة المركبة). نوع بشرتك يمكنه ان يتغير مع مرور الوقت. على سبيل المثال، من الطبيعي ان يكون للشباب بشرة عادية خلافاً لكبار السن. هناك عوامل تؤثر في تحديد أنواع البشرة مثل: محتوى البشرة من  الماء، الأمر الذي يؤثر على راحة البشرة ومرونتها محتوى البشرة من الزيت (الدهن) ، والذي يؤثر على نعومة البشرة هذا المقال منقول من موقع تسعة : انواع البشرة : كيف تعرف نوع بشرتك وما هي طرق العناية بالبشرة ؟  https://www.ts3a.com/?p=3195

sands Qattan💞💞

Hello 😊😊😊                We came back a second time and I hope the subject of today's gain to your satisfaction. . . .  Today's topic kept talking about a beautician beautiful and skilled in his work his strong popularity. As especially in the Gulf countries and the Arab countries Aamta is also a social activist in the Crown reach sites are 💕sands Qattan 💕olha position in society always pose topics pertaining beautiful make-up, social and other exposure tools and stuff to use and Tlqon things to use in this link https://bnc.lt/y88g/MKtWBBe3vr all something wear any makeup or something of creams or even perfume, clothes and possible Onstaqram right {sondos-aq} Snds_aq) Snap) Any inquiry about the comments claimed Ajawab it.  In stores in Riyadh Abon same makeup to use in Riman Tiba markets and shops in the famous make-up and the markets back at how sweet shop. Mo whole and if you have something in the comments and claimed ...

Hanan alnajadah 💞💞

Peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon 💞💞💞  Today we will continue our topic for experts beauty Today we'll talk about beauty expert. Beautiful and I loved my time is 💞hanan 💞ha known in the makeup very distinguished  To have something that is not present when most of the experts that it only highlights the features of the unit Bdakka makeup is not exaggerated An important thing to have and trying to be beautiful skin and focuses on skin and cream base to make it be a natural and also then channel in YouTube where her skills presented and how it is the way of make-up that depend on them and the steps Bdakka and work all discourage him from artists or experts Beauty proved her skill with full force and beauty and also you will find everything you use in this link https://bnc.lt/y88g/MKtWBBe3vr And also it is interacting with her fans and respond to their questions and spontaneous in Snape and Dima Cui Ttorial makeup on the snap and the advice you followed them...

تعريف للمدونه

                            💕  بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم💕    السلام عليكم  احبائي     هذه الصفحة  تعريف للمدونة  {الجمال عنوان الحياة } اول شيء مدونتي  ان شاء الله مو ممله  لان بطرح. لكم  بعض الأمور الي تخص الجمال   الطبيعي أو  االمكياج  وراح نطرح كمان عن  أفضل خبيرات التجميل في دول ألعربيه   ودوّل العالم. بس راح نركز شوي على خبيرات التجميل العربيات وراح نعرض لكم كمان مواقعهم وحساباتهم  والاشياء الي يستخدمونها   وراح نبد في وحده وحده  وممكن. بعد اعطيكم المحلات الي تبيع في اغراضهم وارخص الأسعار. وكمان البديل لها  وفيديوهات لهم وطريقة استخدمها وبعد    راح نعرض عن انواع البشره وكيف  ممكن أنك تعنين فيها  وعن الكريمات المناسبه لها وعن  المرطبات.   ومارح اجيب الكلام من راسي بجيب لكم تجارب. وافكار. وأنتو اختارو الي يناسبكم    طبعا انتو  بعد راح تس...