Tips for permanent fitness

                                               Tips for permanent fitness

Weight loss concerns and diet and weight reduction are inherent to women and are the focus of their lives. Women are especially interested in seeing the missing kilograms on the balance, although in fact, the most important in terms of fitness is to reduce body fat, although few are aware of it. No matter how much we talk about fitness and weight, women are eager to learn more. Because we know your interests and realize the importance of your commitment to a healthy lifestyle to be beautiful and graceful at all times, we offer you 25 basic tips, despite their simplicity. Enjoy reading it because it includes the most important thing that leads you on the right path to fitness.

1- Water and water
Drink enough water during the day. Whatever we repeat this advice, we do not give it enough importance. If water is considered a miracle drink because of its importance to the body in different aspects. Besides its importance to skin, digestive system and blood circulation, water helps reduce weight and reduce cellulite in the body. When you feel tired and tired sometimes during the day, know that you do not drink enough water. Put a water bottle near you, and in this way you can easily remember this duty. If you do not like the taste, just add a piece of lemon to give it a tasty taste. In this way you spend the taste of water that bothers you and you get a little vitamin C and you enjoy a delicious drink.

2 - Avoid coffee and soft drinks
 Not surprisingly, my soaking up soda and coffee are not the only ones to do. However, you should know that these drinks contribute to the dryness of fluids from the body and increase the proportion of cellulite you have. It also provides you with energy quickly, followed by a sudden and rapid drop in energy level and activity.

3 - healthy small meals with you always
When you keep healthy healthy meals with you, you will not be left behind by the irresistible desire to eat unhealthy foods. You can keep carrots, dried fruits, raw nuts and crispy biscuits with you.

4. Take some time to plan your healthy diet
It is enough to devote a quarter of an hour a week to a specific program of what you will eat during the week. Put a general idea of ​​what you intend to eat and when you visit the store to buy the items you buy on the basis of this program you put. In this way you avoid making mistakes and over-eating unhealthy foods.

5. Prepare lunch beforehand in advance
In this way, you will include a healthy meal for the next day because often unhealthy food is used at the last minute when no other choice is available. Also serve healthy small meals.

6 - The creation of vegetables and fruits frozen
Do not lose the frozen fruit and vegetables from their nutrients in the conservation process. And because you are planning to resort to healthy vegetables and fruit constantly, it is best to keep your skin for this because it is easy to prepare when needed. So you find chicken and yogurt in the supermarkets, all of which are considered healthy food.

7 - Urban and conservative
When you are eating healthy food, add extra portions that can be stored in the refrigerator for later use.

8- Tell yourself a little
If you are nervous about the idea of ​​preparing healthy meals continuously, your meal can be 80 percent healthier, and allow yourself to eat what you want in the remaining 20 percent.

9. Take a short break for walking
Just have a short walk for 20 minutes. Marcy is a walking sport at any time since it has several benefits.

10 - Sleep heavily
Even if you gain time during the day if you sleep less, you are less active because the activity is reduced by lack of sleep. Lack of sleep also makes you more susceptible to disease and weight gain because you are too much to eat. Develop enough and you will be surprised by how you feel and how you feel.

11. Low-sugar foods instead of rich ones
It is enough to replace sugar-rich foods with a small amount of sugar to reduce your daily calorie intake by an important percentage, keeping you obsessed with weight. Sugar-rich foods are soft drinks, cereals, ice cream and crackers. It is best to choose low sugar alternatives or other healthy foods.

12. Sports at any time
 Specialists are advised to exercise at least half an hour at least three times a week. Try to achieve this goal, but do not feel nervous if you do not. Do you lack the time to go to the club? There are hundreds of choices for home-based exercises from lifting light weights, stomach exercises, and strengthening legs. You can even exercise it while watching TV. You can also buy a stationary bike for your home to practice in front of the TV screen or read a magazine.

13. More food grains, vegetables and fruits
Eat the grains of food, vegetables and fruits because it gives you a sense of satiety in addition to being rich in nutrients and a few calories and it avoids eating fat.

14. Make sure you feel hungry
 Before you break the food, make sure you feel hungry, tired or thirsty and always watch the portions so you should not feel bloated after eating.

15. Be accurate in your choice of small meals at night
Most of us resort to "fabrics" usually at night after dinner. Allow yourself a small, healthy meal with low thermal units (100 calories) to avoid other foods rich in fat and calories such as chives and popcorn.

16. Enjoy the foods you prefer
When you enjoy eating foods that are adjoining you avoid eating too much in this way. When you buy them, try to reduce the amount instead of depriving yourself of it.
17. Eat proteins at each meal
Protein gives you a sense of sufficiency and satiety more than carbohydrates and fats, giving it more importance during meals such as yoghurt, cheese, nuts and meat ... all of which are essential in weight loss because they give a sense of satiety and contain less calories and maintain muscle.

18. Flavor in food is necessary
 Add the flavors to the food you eat as spices to enjoy the food you eat.

19. Store healthy foods in the kitchen
 Being at your fingertips encourages you to follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid temptations that may result from eating foods high in fat and calories.

20. Ask the children's meal
 When you are in the restaurant, order meals for children as they are smaller, reducing the amount of calories and fat you get.

21. Do not eat when you feel stressed
 When you feel stressed, do not go to eat. You can do anything else that will make you want to eat, like listening to music, reading a story, or walking on foot.

22. Replace the cup of pasta with vegetables
Because you are doing so, reduce your body size, and at the same time reduce at least 100 calories or 200 calories in the dish you eat.

23. Slowly
Because the brain needs 20 minutes to realize satiety. People who eat slowly are therefore less likely to gain weight.

24. Dedicate your activities
 Daily diet and foods you eat, it has been shown to help diet success.

25 - kidney to live
You do not live to eat.


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